Writing a Great Crowdfunding Proposal

Let’s face it, writing doesn’t come easy to all of us. So, how do you write a great proposal for your crowdfunding campaign? In this Careeraddict.com article, Andy Peloquin answers the question like a Rockstar. Andy gives his readers 6 key points on what it takes to write an effective crowdfunding proposal.


How to Write A Rockstar Crowdfunding Proposal

Crowdfunding provides anyone and everyone with a unique opportunity to raise funds for a product or project. Most people come to sites like Kickstarter because they want to invest in something that they want to see happen, but without any plans for financial gain. Their goal is to add a bit of value to the world by helping to make something great happen. If you have an idea for a project or product that will be great, crowdfunding could very well be the way to go.
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