United States Fashion Industry Association
Lobbying in Washington and around the world, the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) works diligently to eliminate snags that hinder the fashion industry's ability to trade openly throughout the globe. Formerly the United States Association of Importers of Textiles & Apparel, the USFIA promotes a broader focus on the fashion industry as a whole.
Fashion Law Institute
The Fashion Law Institute offers training for fashion lawyers and designers, in addition to providing legal services for design students and professionals. Sharing information and assistance on issues facing the fashion industry, is what drives this nonprofit organization pioneered by Susan Scafidi. Susan Scafidi created the first Fashion Law course and is internationally recognized for her expertise in the fashion industry.
A Prince, A Baby, & A Takedown Notice
What does a dancing baby on YouTube have to do with the U.S. Supreme Court? Apparently, a YouTube video lasting only 29 seconds and showing a baby dancing to "Let's Go Crazy", a 1984 popular hit by Prince, has caused a dispute over a takedown notice that's gone all the way to the Supreme Court. Eriq Gardner, a writer for The Hollywood Reporter, explains why the U.S. Supreme Court wants the government's opinion on a copyright takedown case.
Comedian Terry Hodges Sues Chris Tucker & Netflix
Maane Khatchatourian writes this week in Variety, about the pending law suit against Chris Tucker & Netflix, filed by comedian Terry Hodges. Hodges claims that he was not paid fees for years of work he put in on Chris Tuckers' Neflix comedy specials.
USDA New Pet Breeder Requirements
American Kennel Club Director of Government Relations, Sheila Goffe, reports on the USDA and its continued implementation and enforcement of new requirements for pet breeders. Specifically, dealing with licencing and regulation issues under the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
Dog Parks & Dog Bites
Off-leash dog parks are becoming more popular than any other type of park in America's larger cities. A report by the Trust for Public Land, stated that in 2015 off-leash dog parks grew 6%, an increase of 20% in the past few years. With so many dogs off the leash in a public area, it's only reasonable to expect a few dogs won't play well with others. What exactly are your options, if another dog attacks yours at an off-leash dog park? Tracie Santos, writer for, takes a look at your options in detail.
Can You Be Responsible for A Deceased Person’s Debt?
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a government agency built to protect consumers. Their free resources give you the information you need to make informed financial decisions. In this post, find out whether you can be responsible for a deceased person's debt, even if it was in their name only.
The Debt Collector
Amy Fontinelle is a writer, editor, and personal finance expert. Her clients include personal finance websites, financial institutions, public policy organizations, academic journals and professional economists. In a recent post for, Amy discussed debt collector tricks and practices, focused on annoying the debtor. Let's see how far they are willing to go.
What CSPs Can Learn from the Latest DDoS Attacks
Few people realize that on October 21st, of this year, there was a major DDoS attack that affected many large sites in the United States. The outage came in the form of a major denial of service attack (DDoS). This is a popular form of attacking, where cyber Monkey-Wrenchers send an overwhelming number of requests, from multiple sources at the same time, to unsuspecting sites. This instant increase in traffic to various sites across the web, has a devastating effect on the Internet infrastructure as a whole, as we saw Friday with slow downs around the world. The office of Homeland Security News Wire published this article detailing what we can learn, to prevent future attacks.

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