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Caroline J. Fox
The Creekmore Law Firm, PC
3317 W. Cary Street Second Floor, Richmond VA
Wedding & Event Vendor Law 101
Hope N. Kirsch
Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC
8900 East Pinnacle Peak Rd. Suite 250, Scottsdale AZ
Legal Issues in Special Education Disputes
The ABCs of Special Education Law
Jason J. Kohout
Foley & Lardner LLP
777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee WI
Exploring Conversions from For-profit Status to Nonprofit Status
Joseph F. Bermudez
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
1225 17th Street, Suite 2750, Denver CO
Introduction to Data Security & Cyber Liability: Why does it matter to you and your clients?
Sara Hanks
Alexandria, VA
Advanced Securities Crowdfunding